@cn/mobile-core - v6.0.0

/Users/racitsolustions/Documents/Work/Mobility/typescript/mobility-new-mobilecore-sdk/docs/index.htmlBranching strategy : https://kb.cn.ca/display/DSO/Branching+Strategy

Mobile Core SDK

Mobile Core SDK is a set of services to help developers at CN to provide with common functionality as well as manage the communication between Front-End Applications (Angular & React Native) and Firebase MBaas.


Use NPM to install @cn/mobile-core SDK for CN internal packages and npm for Typescript node modules projects. Both packages are required for code sharing projects.

npm install @cn/mobile-core --save

npm install

package Configuration

To generate package.json file in the project. it will get generated with default values which will have the run, build, author and project details.

npm init -y

tsconfig Configuration

To generate tsconfig.json file in the project. it will get generated with default values. Use to cutomize the configuration to compile and develop.

tsc --init

For Windows:

Open a Windows command prompt.

Create a file name .npmrc in your home directory by calling the following command from:

npm config edit

Add the following content at the end of the opened file and save the file:

registry = https://se-nexus01.cn.ca/repository/cn-ea/



The rest of the lines already in the file are commented out with a preceding semi-colon.

NOTE: It is not recommended to use CNTLM here because CNTLM sometimes translates slashes (/) in the NODE package names to %5C, and the packages will not be found.

For Mac:

All feeds require authentication. You'll need to store credentials for the feed before you can install packages. npm uses .npmrc configuration files to store feed URLs and credentials.

.npmrc should contain a "registry" line for your feed. You can find the registry information for your feed from the Connect to feed button :

Follow the steps to get feeds authentication

From Azure Artifacts, select the package to install

From Package folder, select Connect to Feed

Select npm

Copy and add the registery text into .npmrc file

Select Generate npm credentials. Copy the credentials to add them to your user .npmrc file manually

@cn:registry = https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/CN-EA/_packaging/CN-EA%40Release/npm/registry/


SDK Initialization

if useRedirectForLoginOnWeb value is true, then login will be happening through redirecting auth url and get the logged values. if useRedirectForLoginOnWeb if false , login will be happening through popup method


This project was generated with TypeScript version 4.7.4.

Development server

Compile and Run tsc for a dev server.


Run npm run build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.


Run npx typedoc --out to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the docs/ directory. And open index.html in browser. It will have type documents details.

Generated using TypeDoc